Depending on your point of view, this behavior can be considered as a helpful feature since during the JIT compilation, the compiler can utilize special features that the production processor supports (such as using more efficient, unique instructions that aren't supported by other processors). This way, we could achieve better performance than if we didn't use JIT compilation at all, since we would have to address a more basic set of processor features (in order to support a variety of processors).
The most dominant disadvantage of using a JIT compiler is the time being spent compiling CIL code on the production machine (since every time the user triggers a "first-time" call to a managed method, the JIT compiler is triggered, and starts to compile the method for the current and future calls).
In the CLR, every MethodDesc instance (a structure that exists for every managed method. Contains some metadata about the method and is allocated in the EE's (Execution Engine) memory), contains an IsJitted boolean field. Like the field name implies, its value tells us whether the the JIT compiler already compiled the relevant method (this field will assist us later on).
Once a method is called for the first time, the execution flow is redirected by a special stub into the JIT, that will be responsible to compile the method. Then, the stub that caused the redirection is overridden by a jmp instruction that directs the execution flow to the JIT's generated machine code (in fact, this mechanism resembles the delay load feature available in C++). So as you understand, each time a method is called for the first time, we suffer from a certain performance penalty.
Its important to emphasize that usually, that the JIT's performance penalty is quite minimal, since we only have to experience it at the method's first invocation. However, for applications that demand high responsiveness, this performance penalty might be intolerable.
The classic solution for this problem is to use NGen. The idea behind NGen is that when your application is installed on the production machine, the JIT is triggered to compile our entire set of managed assemblies, and generate a native image for the application. Afterwards, when the application is launched, the CLR will make sure to load the correct native image from the disk, and so avoid unnecessary "jitting".
The problem with NGen is that it's quite complicated to use, and if we are really looking to avoid performance penalties during our application's initialization, we will have to spend more of our valuable time in order to register our assemblies in the GAC, correctly set our DLL's base addresses in order to avoid rebasing, etc.
However, there is an alternative for using NGen, and it's triggering the JIT to compile your during runtime, exactly when your desire it. This solution have its own set of disadvantages and isn't necessarily better than using NGen, but in case you want to speed up your JIT process with minimal effort on your part, this a solution that you will definitely want to consider.
So heading right down to business, I'll explain how this works from the bottom-up, so first we will understand how we are able to trigger the JIT compiler ourselves, in an noninvasive fashion (without actually executing the method). And then I'll explain on how you can utilize this ability in your own existing applications.
If so, our first step is to learn how to trigger the JIT compiler on a single, specific method. For that, we will use the RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod function. Normally, we would use this method when we need to call virtual functions inside a CER region, but in our case, what is more interesting is that this method causes the JIT to compile the method that was passed to it (Remark: it should be noted that calling PrepareMethod may trigger the static constructor of the destination type, that is, if it has one).
Since in this demonstration we we'll want to JIT-compile the entire set of methods contained in a given assembly, we will use a utility method that iterates over the contained types in a given assembly, and invokes PrepareMethod on every relevant method:
public static void PreJITMethods(Assembly assembly)
Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
foreach (Type curType in types)
MethodInfo[] methods = curType.GetMethods(
BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.Instance |
foreach (MethodInfo curMethod in methods)
if (curMethod.IsAbstract ||
One important thing about this method is the placement of the if statement right before the invocation of PrepareMethod. The first part of the statement is obvious, we have to ignore abstract methods since they don't contain any implementation detail, so the JIT compiler have nothing to do with them (attempting to pass them to PrepareMethod will result in an exception). The second part of the statement is the ignorance of generic methods. We can't cause the JIT to compile a generic methods since at this stage we still don't know which parameters are passed to the method in different call sites in the application's code. This is in fact a disadvantage versus NGen, that is aware of which "versions" of the generic method needs to be compiled.
The next step is to integrate this utility method into our application's initialization routine. When doing so, there are a few things to consider. Would we rather to trigger the code generation once right after our application finished loading? Or perhaps every time a new assembly is loaded into the AppDomain? Do we prefer executing this code synchronously, or perhaps asynchronously? And what about dedicating a thread with a lower priority than our other applicative threads? This questions will have to be answered according to your own preferences, and your application's needs.
Another thing to remember is that by default, the CLR delays the loading of referenced assemblies until we reach the first time we actually reference a type from it in our code (so if have a reference to a certain assembly, and we never reached a point where we needed to use it, it won't be loaded into the AppDomain). So if we want to trigger the JIT compiler on all of the statically referenced assemblies, we will have to explicitly load them. In order to do so, we could recursively call GetReferencedAssemblies and Load. For example:
// recursively load all of assemblies referenced by the given assembly
public static void ForceLoadAll(Assembly assembly)
ForceLoadAll(assembly, new HashSet());
private static void ForceLoadAll(Assembly assembly,
HashSet loadedAssmblies)
bool alreadyLoaded = !loadedAssmblies.Add(assembly);
if (alreadyLoaded)
AssemblyName[] refrencedAssemblies =
foreach (AssemblyName curAssemblyName in refrencedAssemblies)
Assembly nextAssembly = Assembly.Load(curAssemblyName);
if (nextAssembly.GlobalAssemblyCache)
ForceLoadAll(nextAssembly, loadedAssmblies);
In this example, I've chosen to ignore assemblies that are loaded from the GAC, so we won't compile the BCL's massive codebase (thus, minimizing our working set size). As you can understand, this method can be customized to fit your specific needs regarding which assemblies to load, and which to ignore.
Obviously, this method will only load assemblies that are statically referenced to our application. In order to trigger JIT compilation on dynamically loaded assemblies (as a product of using Reflection for instance), you may want to subscribe to the AssemblyLoad event that will be fired during the loading of new assemblies into the AppDomain.
In case you are interested to know how you can positively confirm that a certain method was JIT compiled by the PrepareMethod (or by some other means), then you will need to grab WinDbg and SOS.
All you need to do is to find the address of your method's MethodDesc instance, and check what is the value of the IsJitted field. Here is a typical example to how you would want to do so:
> !name2ee OtherAssmebly.dll C.ClassC
Module: 00a457b8 (OtherAssmebly.dll)
Token: 0x02000002
MethodTable: 00a48bbc
EEClass: 00f283d4
Name: C.ClassC
> !dumpmt -md 00a48bbc
EEClass: 00f283d4
Module: 00a457b8
Name: C.ClassC
mdToken: 02000002 (C:\...\OtherAssmebly.dll)
BaseSize: 0xc
ComponentSize: 0x0
Number of IFaces in IFaceMap: 0
Slots in VTable: 6
MethodDesc Table
Entry MethodDesc JIT Name
00a4c838 00a48bb0 NONE C.ClassC..ctor()
00a4c830 00a48ba0 JIT C.ClassC.FooMethod()
> !dumpmd 00a48ba0
Method Name: C.ClassC.FooMethod()
Class: 00f283d4
MethodTable: 00a48bbc
mdToken: 06000001
Module: 00a457b8
IsJitted: yes
CodeAddr: 00f50778
it's perfect article - the way to recollect all the forgotten.
thank you for much, great article and i get it