Thursday, September 2, 2010

DateTime.Now in v4.0 Causes Dynamic Memory Allocations

A while back I've mentioned in a post that calling DateTime.Now causes boxing. Following the posting, a feedback item was also posted on Microsoft Connect, reporting about the issue.
Yesterday, the feedback's status turned to Resolved after Greg cleverly remarked that this issue was fixed in v4.0 (the boxing occurred until v3.5).

However, after reading the response I took the same benchmark code from the previous post an ran it again, this time using .Net Framework 4.0. Surprisingly, perfmon kept reporting on high allocation rates in the Allocated Bytes/sec counter. So I've opened up Reflector and took a look at DateTime.Now's new implementation detail. And indeed, the boxing issue was resolved since the new implementation uses the TimeZoneInfo type instead of TimeZone. Unable to find the source of the allocations from just looking at the code, it was time to launch WinDbg.
After letting the application to run for a while, I've attached WinDbg to the process and executed the !DumpHeap -stat command a couple of times so I could take a general look at the kind and amount of objects that currently live on the managed heap. The output was as follows:

0:003> !dumpheap -stat
total 0 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
79ba1d88       13         1532 System.Char[]
79ba2f20        1         3164 Dictionary[[String, mscorlib],[String, mscorlib]][]
79b9f9ac      449        12220 System.String
001663d8       53        13212      Free
79b56c28       30        17996 System.Object[]
79b8e7b0     9119       291808 System.Globalization.DaylightTime
Total 9771 objects

0:003> !dumpheap -stat 
total 0 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
79ba1d88       13         1532 System.Char[]
79ba2f20        1         3164 Dictionary[[String, mscorlib],[String, mscorlib]][]
79b9f9ac      449        12220 System.String
001663d8       53        13212      Free
79b56c28       30        17996 System.Object[]
79b8e7b0    20654       660928 System.Globalization.DaylightTime
Total 21306 objects

This output reveals the identity of our memory-consuming bandit: DaylightTime.
Now, all is left is to spot where this type is being instantated and used. For this purpose, we could use the !BPMD -md command in order to place breakpoints on specific managed methods that DaylightTime exposes (you could dump the type's methods using the following command: !DumpMT -md ).
After setting the breakpoint, the application continues its execution and immediately breaks. Looking at the managed callstack using !CLRStack reveals the source method of the allocation: TimeZoneInfo.GetIsDaylightSavingsFromUtc. This method creates an instance of DaylightTime, and since DaylightTime is a class (hence, a reference type), a dynamic memory allocation is being made.

   // a snippet from the implementation:
   TimeSpan span = utc;
   DaylightTime daylightTime = GetDaylightTime(Year, rule);
   DateTime startTime = daylightTime.Start - span;
   DateTime endTime = (daylightTime.End - span) - rule.DaylightDelta;

In conclusion, DateTime.Now's implementation was updated in BCL v4.0 and the boxing of Int32s was removed since the implementation uses the TimeZoneInfo type instead of TimeZone. However, using TimeZoneInfo results in a new source for dynamic allocations, but this time instead of redundant boxings, the allocations are caused just because a reference type is beind used under the hood. And since each instance of DaylightTime is sized up at 32 bytes (including the Object Header), the update in the BCL could be considered as a turn for the worst regarding memory usage since DaylightTime instances are more memory consuming than boxed instances of Int32.


  1. Thanks for the info!

  2. Glad someone is paying attention :)
    Nice work w/windbg - it's been many years since i've used it. For many (timing) purposes, people can just call getTicks() - hopefully there's nothing hidden in there!

  3. The API work around is not very desirable. I have a program that has 900 instances of DateTime.Now (.NET Framework 4.0) including logging. The program requires microsecond precision and high reliability.
    Are there any other options?

  4. @Kamron,
    If you are required to obtain the current time at a very high precision, using DateTime.Now perhaps won't be a suitable solution for you, regardless of its "side effects", due to the fact that its only accurate up to the operating system's "timer tick" that by default usually revolves around 15ms.
    One way to obtain a better precision is to sample the current time once (UTC time) and the initialize a Stopwatch instance. Afterwards, each time you'd like to sample the current time, you should check the current value of your stopwatch and add it to the previously sampled DateTime value.
    Since the Stopwatch class has a much better precision than Windows's internal clock (being supported by your machine's hardware), you could achieve better accuracy.
